Paper Duplicator
1 members
14 papercrafts
This site started on Google's free blog platform in 2011 as Ultimate Papercraft. It was to be a place I could host my creations after I discovered a new hobby: papercraft. Building 3D models from 2D paper templates was a perfect way to combine my love of video games and making things. I built several models I downloaded from the internet, and quickly came to wonder "Why can't I make these?". From there started a long road of learning new skills, from 3D modelling to spatial awareness, as well as the basics of design and operating a website. Since then I have created and shared quite a number of templates with the internet - all for free.
Now, as an adult, it is difficult to spend as much time on papercraft as I once did. However, these templates have always been free and I want as much as you do to keep them free. So, I came to the decision to try and fund my papercraft through Patreon. It's simple - I keep making things you like for free, and I ask for a small monthly contribution to help me with hosting, bills and more. If you would like to support me and help keep things running, please visit Patreon at
Joined on Aug 21, 2022